

Blue ocean pedagogical materials, used in nearly 3,000 universities and in almost every country in the world, go beyond the standard case-based method. Our multimedia cases and interactive exercises are designed to help you build a deeper​ understanding of key blue ocean strategy concepts, developed by world-renowned professors Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.






Fintech: Compte-Nickel, Creating New Demand in the Retail Banking Sector

Author(s): KIM, W. Chan, MAUBORGNE, Renée, PIPINO, Mélanie

Case study trailer


The case explains how the French fintech Compte-Nickel found a blue ocean in the crowded French retail banking sector by identifying noncustomers and developing a strategy to attract them. Traditional banks focused on developing financial technology to make their offerings more appealing, whereas the fintech Compte-Nickel created a blue ocean by looking at the noncustomers the other banks ignored: low income earners and people facing financial exclusion.
This case comes with a teaching note, lecture slides, and a two-part exclusive video interview with Hugues Le Bret, CEO of the fintech Compte-Nickel.
This case is also available in Chinese and French.

Pedagogical objectives:

With this case, participants will learn to use four blue ocean strategy analytic tools:

  • The Buyer Utility Map, which helps to think from a demand-side perspective,
  • The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid, which helps focus on which key factors of competition to eliminate, reduce, raise, and create to unlock a new blue ocean,
  • The Strategy Canvas, the central diagnostic tool that graphically captures, in one simple picture, the current strategic landscape and a new blue ocean strategy,
  • And the Blue Ocean Idea Index, a tool that analyses whether the new blue ocean strategy is commercially viable or not.
Case Study
Teaching Note
Lecture Slides